Individual Track Meet - U20 & Open Championships - AIS Athletics Field
Sat 25 Jan 2025 16:00 — Mon 27 Jan 2025 14:00
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
A series of individual track events for athletes not entered to the Under 20 and Open Championships will be held over the period of these Championships. These events are for U14 to U18 athletes and ACT Masters athletes only.
For registered Athletics ACT, Dual Registered athletes, ACT Masters and interstate registered athletes, please login to your account before starting to register for this event. The Login button is at the upper right of the entry portal screen.
On-Line Entry
Athletes can enter individual events at a cost $15.00 This fee is payable at the time of registration for the meet.
Please note that leaving your On-Line entry to the last few minutes may mean the system closes before you complete the entry process and make payment.
Athletes must Sign-In for each event at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the event/s.
Registration Process
When entering events, please ensure that you enter the seed performance relevant to the event being entered. Please take careful note of the seed performance format. All track events of 400 metres or more use a format of mm:ss.dd (eg '2:36.23' or 12:26.23'). If you do not use a valid seed performance format, the performance you have entered will be rejected on import to Meet Manager and, instead, it will be shown as 'NT' (ie No Time).
If you have an IPC classification, please enter it against the relevant question in the format "TxxFxx".
All Capital Athletics Meets are conducted in accordance with the current Capital Athletics Rules of Competition.