Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
The Capital Athletics 5000m Championships will be held at AIS Athletics Track on Saturday the 22nd of February. This is a World Ranking Competition. Please note that this event will be held in conjunction with ACT Underage Championships.
Entry to the Capital Athletics 5000m Championships is by the On-Line entry system only. Please note that entries submitted via the On-Line system must be paid by credit/debit card. If the entry fee is not paid by this date, the entry will be deleted.
There is no on-day entry for Championship events.
Entry for this event will close at 12.00pm (AEST) on Tuesday 18th of February 2025. There will be no late entries taken under any circumstance. Do not leave your entry to the last minute and please note that the Capital Athletics office hours are 9:00am to 4:30pm only.
To be eligible to enter these Championships, the athlete must be a registered and financial athlete with Capital Athletics, another State/Territory athletics body affiliated with Athletics Australia or, if a visiting overseas athlete, with their own national athletics body.
The mininium age for on-line entry is 16 years of age as at 31 December 2025. Age groups will be U20 & Open.
Championship bibs will be provided for all those who enter the ACT 5000m Championships, these will be available at check-in.
Check in
Check in is strickly 45min prior to your event start time. If you do not check in at this time, you will be removed from the event.
Medals will be provided to all those who finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their specified age group.
Competition Rules
Registering athletes are encouraged to read and understand the competition rules and conditions, Capital Athletics Championship Rules of Competition can be found at the bottom of the page.
Competition shoes
Capital Athletics will be enforcing the World Athletics Shoe Rule for the Under 20 and Open age groups at our State Championships and National Permit meets.
All runners wearing non-compliant shoes will still be able to compete but will not be eligible for any State Championships or have their performances ratified for National Records or International Qualifiers.
Please complete the form Click Here
Please complete a separate form for each of the shoes that you intend to wear during the competition.
Please Click Here for the current list of shoes deemed approved by World Athletics (listed under Manuals & Guidelines). Please note that World Athletics continually amend the Approved Shoe List as they complete their testing of shoes, therefore athletes should ensure they check this list on a regular basis.
Key Contact
If you have any questions regarding this event please contact competition@capitalathletics.au